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DataLongLegs is a software program developed through partnership of Intervention Hero and the College of Wooster.  This program is intended provide a means by which to organize and establish visual trends for all of the qualitative and quantitative data collected for students over time.  

Navigation bars allow you to sort information 

Student photos and data can be imported from other systems like DASL

Qualitative data and teachers notes can be kept in running records.

Individual or group data can be sorted by memberships like RtI or Sped for small group or individual data. 

Quantitative content data with dissimilar denomonators are sorted into similar bands ranging from Advanced to Limited.

Teachers can enter their own behavioral or academic data to be charted on a 5 point Likert scale.

Summative state testing is listed in a grid with red representing below proficient scores, yellow at risk, and green proficient.

Portfolio sections allow you to upload ratings and test results for vocational, iep,  or gifted planning at a glance. 

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