Parent Resources: Printable Brochures
Below, find printable brochures for area Wayne County Ohio programs for use in sharing with parents.
Local Resources
Below, find organizations supporting continuing education for school pychologists and other educators around the state of Ohio.
Info Link serves Wayne and Holmes Counties to facilitate the following services:
1. Health Care and Mental Health
2. Youth Services
3. Abuse
4. Food Resources
5. Housing / Shelter
6. Utility Assistance
The Family and Children First Council provides representatives to assist in tracking, assessing, and coordinating service orientation for your child. Children and youth with multiple needs are eligible for service coordination.
In order to request service coordination for your student or child, complete the Service Coordination Request form
or call
Fax: 330-264-7879
The Help Me Grow program provides free comprehensive prenatal to three service to promote children's growth and development by providing some of the following:
1. Screening
2. A Nurse Home Visit
3. Learning Activities
4. Service Coordination
5. Playgroups
6. Preschool Transition Services
7. Parenting Support
The Tri County ESC provides resources and inservice to the Wayne, Ashland, and Holmes Counties of Ohio. Enrichment programming as well as special education resources are available through the ESC.
Workshops, Conferences, & Inservices
Below, find organizations supporting continuing education for school pychologists and other educators around the state of Ohio.
Local Support Groups
Below, find organizations supporting continuing education for school pychologists and other educators around the state of Ohio.

To report an incident of abuse or neglect, contact Wayne County Children's Services.
The identity of reporters remains confidential. All school personel are state-mandated reporters and required to report suspected child abuse. Failure to report suspected abuse may result in criminal liability.
If you suspect a child of being abused or neglected contact WCCS at 330-345-5340
All 50 states have passed some form of a mandatory child abuse and neglect reporting law in order to qualify for funding under the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA)(Jan. 1996 version), 42 U.S.C. 5101, et seq.. The Act was originally passed in 1974, has been amended several times and was most recently amended and reauthorized on October 3, 1996, by the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment and Adoption Act Amendments of 1996 (P.L. 104-235).