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PBIS: Positive Behavior Intervention Supports



PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Intervention Supports.  The GOAL of PBIS is to use a tiered delivery system to promote positive behavior for all students.  


The METHOD of PBIS is consistent with that of RtI:  1. Collect DATA to determine need, 2. Implement research-based PRACTICE to promote behavioral change, 3. Manage your interventions with a best-practice SYSTEM, 4. Determine the OUTCOME of the data.

Culture Change Ideas

Culture Change Ideas

Assembled by Elda Elementary School, this document lists event and programming strategies to improve building culture.

Ohio Department of Education PBIS

Ohio Department of Education PBIS

PBIS resources and regulations for the state of Ohio

National Center for Positive Behavior Intervention Services

Students require different levels of intervention dependent on need.  Click below to access intervention resources based upon severity of need

Who Serves Whom?

School Wide: Tier I

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