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Quantitative Roster


Looking at data points across all student populations and types of assessments is an important version of screening.  By entering all summative and state-based assessment into a spreadsheet and coding data that is below proficient, administrators can view trends in discrepant scores throughout the years.  


Google Docs is a cloud-based system that can be used to create spreadsheets online that can be accessed by any person given permission to view them online.  The benefit of this system is that participants in RtI planning can see progress monitoring notes as they are completed in real time and can always view the most up to date version of the roster.  


Find a Quantitative template HERE to get started aggrigating student data in Google Docs.  Make a copy and make it your own.  


Quantitative rosters can be used in addition to qualitative rosters to establish longitudinal trends.  




List assessments chronologically

Highlight below proficient scores in red

List interventions previously tried and discontinued.

Edit the proficiency range for each test

List RtI or IEP status by color codiing and listing tier

Organize students by alphabetical last name and grade

Quarterly, each building may choose to organize a data team to input and analyze all student data for RtI referral and longitudinal progress monitoring.

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