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Strategies and Resources to Support our ED classroom

Our Unit Values

Core shared values for the classroom

We act as a family in the classroom. We take care of each other with the following values in mind:

HONESTY: Telling the truth

RESPONSIBILITY: Doing what you are supposed to do

RESPECT: Using manners, thinking about how your actions affect others

STAMINA: Working hard for a long time on something that is difficult

RESILIENCE: Bouncing back from tough situations

KINDNESS: Treating others the way you want to be treated

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Our Curriculum

Teaching social and life skills.

Our classroom utilizes a research-based best practice curriculum.

The Search Institute 40 Developmental Assets is a renowned program providing building blocks of healthy development—known as Developmental Assets—that help young children grow up healthy, caring, and responsible.

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Our Goals & Behavior Plans

Each student in the classroom has an individualized plan.

Plans relate to each child's IEP and Functional Behavioral Analysis.

Behavior plans for each student are developed from psychological assessments and observations.  Plans outline:

  • What strategies can be put into place to prevent melt downs

  • What behavior instruction can be done to improve student success

  • What reinforcers can be used and when

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Each student sets daily goals.

At the start of each week, students set a personal goal and track their progress.

Goals might include:

  • If I am safe with my hands and feet 8/10 times this week, I will earn my reward of using the computer at the end of circuit each day.


  • If I use respectful words 10 times this morning I will earn lunch with the teacher.

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How We Earn Privileges

Classroom privileges are organized on a rank system.

At the start of each week, students set a personal goal and track their progress.

  • ENLISTED: Working through levels in the resource room


  • LIEUTENANT: Able to go out to classroom with aide support


  • MAJOR: Able to go to the classroom independently


  • COLONEL: Able to go to the classroom, lunch, and recess independently


  • GENERAL: Able to work as a peer model for another student

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How We Monitor Progress

Student progress is monitored daily.

Students and teachers chart student progress on their goals.

Potential for students to see their growth improves sense of control and ownership of responsibility.  It also tells staff and parents whether what we are doing is working. 

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How We Communicate Results

Technology and Systems to Enhance Communication

The following tools are used:

  • RECORD RELEASE: At the start of the year, permission is gained to partner with any other agencies working with your child.  Counselors and physicians who provide service can access any information needed for treatment planning. 


  • REMIND 101: This technology sends a text blast to your phone to remind you of any projects or special events coming up in the Resource Room.


  • PROGRESS MONITORS are sent home regularly with report cards.

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How We Support Families

Supporting Families Through Resources

We provide resources to help your student to find success in the classroom.

SERVICE COORDINATION: Providing meetings to support a universal plan with many providers

CASE MANAGMENT: Setting up counseling and case management services to address diagnoses

FOOD / CLOTHING ASSISTANCE: We will help your family to meet any basic needs you request

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How We Modify Our Environment

Changing the Classroom to Set Students up for Success

We organize our resource room with supports for optimal learning.

  • SENSORY : The resource room has a sensory zone that helps students to regulate their needs when they feel lethargic or overly stimulated.


  • ZONES OF PROXIMITY: Students earn the opportunity to have more independence dependent upon the safety of their choices.  The classroom has colored zones to focus on:

    • ​Safety (Red)

    • Self-Regulation (Blue)

    • Problem-Solving (Yellow)

    • Group Work (Green)

    • Independent Work (Out of Classroom)


  • THERAPY ANIMALS: We have opportunities for students to learn life skills and respect for community through opportunities related to animal care, music dance-off, or classroom maintenance. 

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