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Intervention Specialist Coaching




The below resources can be used by new or veteran intervention specialists to start-up their resource or co-teaching classrooms for the year.  Resources take into consideration:


  • Student grouping

  • Environmental Modifications

  • Sharing IEP data with regular education teachers

  • Progress monitoring

  • Setting up IEP caseloads for the year

Student IEP Summaries
IEP meeting scheduling quick start
  • Create a Google doc sheet for each student with whom you work.  Use THIS TEMPLATE or print the summary sheet from Progress Book or your online management system.


  • Share the IEP summary sheet with all Regular Ed teachers


Grouping Your Students
  • Figure out how to TEACH students with dissimilar achievement levels: MODELS OF CO-TEACHING (A one-page quick start guide)


  • Best practice to ensure that IEP state mandated timelines are met is to SCHEDULE IEPs at least A MONTH IN ADVANCE of the due date.


  • We recommend scheduling the month advanced dates at the start of the year.  Figure out when you want to have the meetings, call the parents now (this counts as an attempt), send staff email invites, and reserve the meeting room.

Writing Curriculum Maps to Differentiate
When does my student qualify for that testing accommodation?


  • NEED A CALCULATOR?: Student math computation should be in the lower extreme (below a standard score of 70) on a nationally normed assessment.


  • NEED A READER?: Student reading decoding or comprehesnsion should be in the lower extreme (below a standard score of 70) on a nationally normed assessment.

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